Gestapo Librarian

Your Gossip Girl reboot is not going to happen any time soon.

Yeah, I was really hoping for something more like the Star Wars runs they’ve done in the past.

And I’m sure plenty of people wonder why folks round here will spend $200 on the collectors edition of a video game.

He could at least have run it by his publicist or something first because he comes off terribly.

I just don’t understand why he felt the need to ever tell this.

I’ve loved the series of articles the Guardian has put out the last couple of days that pretty much boil down Leavers current feelings as “Yes, I’m aware we will be substantially worse off financially as a country and individuals, but at least we’ll get rid of all the foreigners.”

Or who has had to work with someone shitty simply because they couldn’t turn down the job?

In college a couple of my friends worked at Subway. They were stoners and would make up random sandwiches to give us for free. One time they tried to give me some mixture of chicken breast with mustard and one of their weird dressings, and I was like this absolutely cannot be good even though he insisted. But, somehow

Hes on Instagram saying the whole thing is a hoax.

Im just shocked they couldnt figure out an angle to connect this to Raheem Sterling somehow.

they don’t just say, “Here’s $200B, why don’t you go out and buy us a bunch of fighters.”

Its amazing how many Jewish folks conflate their ability to pass as “white” as being “white.”

Surprised the papers havent fugured out a way to blame Raheem Sterling for all this.

I love all the Jewish/Eastern European/Italian Jezebeckies coming out of the woodwork to defend the honor of white women everywhere, all while conveniently forgetting that they themselves aren’t even “white” by white people’s definition of what “white” means.

I want this to happen because if you got them together in a room he might just be able to get Trump to admit how much he wants to fuck his daughter.

You do know how motion sickness works right?

My immediate thought was children puking everywhere.

Does the VR stand for “violent retching?”

Dad got one as he was starting the “about to retire/newly retired professional” crisis when it comes to cars.

Bieber seems a bit old to be shit talking a 15 year