
Diagan Avenue Freeze-Out

No, you're looking at this backwards. Now your old cable is exclusively a masturbation wire.


The question still stands, you can bulk-buy the ashes of poor people for like 60 dollars a go.

"Unfortunately, the only thing preventing Depp from constructing his massive labyrinth, then force aspiring actors to fight Keith Richards at the center of it, is that the sole remaining, non-Deppian owner of the sixth house in his cul-de-sac refuses to sell."

Well, they know that their audience is at least somewhat interested in Spotify, I guess?

It's still technically adding alcohol if you're throwing up in at 3am one hunched over in a booth.

Have you seen nerds lately? Eugenics and misogyny have kind of become their "thing".

We should build a wall or something, right?

If anything I would have thought the way things are going around there would have lead to the sort of who are we trying to impress/I don't give a fuck anymore attitude combination that leads to all the best parties.

They aren't just "pretty white". I'd go so far as to call them very white.

She should never have deported that witch.

"You're going to die sooner or later. Might as well get paid millions to hang out with the hottest 22-year-old you can find for eight months of the year. Nobody's going to as you to make Raging Bull again, John. Or I guess (sneers) Footloose, in your case. Now please go and get me another drink, and don't forget I

They're going to package the DVDs in with War Horse and in a special "Doesn't Live Up to the Title" Boxset

Maybe he'll slip on some horsepiss to lighten the tone of their post-9/11 Afghanistan movie

Unfortunately the humour they provide suffers from diminishing returns.

Man, those Mr Show DVDs really didn't sell, did they?

Nah, hating your kid is different from loving them too much.

I'm calling it: Stealth Sound of Music reboot.

Big Brother Is Watching You Poop.