
It's kind of like the AV Club but instead of a comment section you just have to touch yourself on the subway.

Oh good, something I can put in that dating app for people who hate things.

Gentle Herpes? There'll be way more than one.

2,000 topics seems like kind of a small number, considering just how specific people can get with their racism.

One of those yearbook printing companies?

That may have been one of those Bang Cabs

I mean, I guess this is a version of free market capitalism dictating social progress? Kind of? If you stand far away and squint?

That's only if they make the sushi wrong.

The book it's based on was just called OIL!. I'd have liked it if they'd gone with that.

It's the same reason that elephant who could paint from that youtube video never made the jump to multimedia work.

Dog Bites Man More Often Than Dog Bites Woman

Various Races Including, But Not Limited To, Blacks Because Bad Things Have Happened To Other Races Too Month

I don't know, they at least cast people who can really sell the racism.

Well that must be a bummer for those Bikers for Trump guys.

So, I'm confused as to what makes this casting interesting - when the kids killed their parents did they make it look like a suicide or something?

Every great comedic actor inevitably reaches that point late in their career when they decide it's time they make their Oscar movie.

I think San Junipero got the praise it did because people were pleasantly surprised that Charlie Brooker could feel an emotion other than old-manish disdain.

You misunderstand; the reimagining is that now he's also a playwright. Originally the character was really more interested in blackface minstrel shows, but of course they had to PC it up for the 21st century.

It was going to cover the struggle of being gay on Broadway in the 1950s and also invisible to everyone except an eight-foot bird with the mind of a child, but the writers felt it was too complex a story for them to do it justice.

The good thing about seeking your political asylum in Ireland is that the next few weeks in the US will let you to really ease in to the lack of abortion rights over here.