
Ugh, first everyone makes me use Lyft instead of Uber on the weekend, now I'm going to have to look at pornography tonight instead of Facebook? These protests are really starting to cut into my free time.

I thought the first thing a creep would do is advertise a room for rent on The AV Club comment section.

It's a great place to go if you want to meet unhappy men in their 40s.

Well as long as the servers still have the dead-behind-the-eyes look of fast-casual workers everywhere it'll still feel a little like the original Hooters, at least.

So does the dog that catches the most cats.

I know cats tend to be faster, but dogs have so much more bodymass and such stronger jaws, it seems almost cruel to pit them against each other like this.

It's good that we finally know exactly which corporations we need to give our money to now in order to keep the moral highground.

So they clearly came up with the Cloak power first, then realised it was almost quitting time and hastily scribbled an outline for Dagger's power on the back of a receipt on their way out the door, right?

I love it when things happen on set that aren't even scripted and they still make it into the finished cut.

Somehow being told I can sneer all I want sucks the fun out of the whole endeavor.

It's like the spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp.

It's too bad crowns went so mainstream or they'd really be able to cater to that.

Are they definitely sure it was Shia? Because there was that guy from last summer who looked like him and got punched in the face for it - he might have been in the wrong place at the wrong time again.

The most unsettling thing about "fake news", to my mind, is how quickly and effectively it was co-opted by the right. They were able to take it within days and turn it from being a legitimate criticism of Breitbart and the like into a rallying cry that essentially gives their base permission to ignore point-blank any

One of the more popular speculations I remember seeing was that Michael was in the Bad Place and that Eleanor and everyone were placed there on purpose to torture him, which was a pretty masterful bit of misdirection to cover his nature.

Actually, it's the "browsing new AV Club content" part that really has the social stigma.

You're right, it's going to be a disaster

Ok, so apparently CHiPs isn't a crime-fighting robot on the highway patrol? If anything is disappointing me about this, it's that that a show I've never seen isn't the show I imagined it to be.

Corgan is apparently unaware that his manager has been paying those women that keep showing up at his house.

You can just use one of those Benedict Cumberbatch name generators if you drop a syllable from each word.