
I've been assuming he'll eventually be motivated by having to wear a crown at all times. That was his motivation in the comics, right? His obligation to the country he ruled over?

…that they were super into DC movies?

"Siouxsie, we gotta get this whole truckload of haunted wine from one side of Texas to the other in 36 hours!"

Don't worry, one of the advantages of being the kind of person that comments on the AV Club on a Sunday evening is that very few people will come looking for you.

Great, now we're going to be competing with people who can juggle fire in the job market.

"I prefer Civil Rights leaders that weren't assassinated"

Could it be that you and Jude Law lead very different lives?

I guess there aren't that many food puns centered around "impeachment".

I'd call them both "unverified news" right now, rather than immediately labeling either as "fake". The Trump piss story is just too good to be true, but that doesn't mean 4chan had anything to do with it.

The only two currently active accounts are "George RR Martin" and one "Reorge GM Rartin", an account which comments only when Martin feels he hasn't been getting enough press lately

You hate Ellis.

Robin apparently needs a less acidic diet.

I have to admit, while the feud itself is pretty silly, I can't help but find something hilarious about the phrase "he won't even share his black."

Presumably there are a few who think he doesn't go too far enough.

Actually, "Jimmy" is just an alternative to "James"

Maybe "zootope" is actually a horrific slur that just hasn't quite made it across the pond yet.

At least one distorted woman did. I've seen her pictures in their Sacramento and Orlando locations.

Hookers sell their bodies, not their dignity.

It blows my mind that he's apparently meeting people all over the place on Tinder and not one person has arranged that their date will take place in a location that also contains around 20 people armed with lead pipes.

And once they do they will immediately increase the cost of slime molds by 1250%, as is the standard business practice.