
It genuinely sounds like something I'd make up with if I was mocking the idea of a Goonies reboot.

This comment would read better superimposed on a picture of a duck

Surprising amount of competition this year for the prize of "Best movie with the word Logan in the title"

"Bloomers", I think

Will everyone who's panicking now basically have gotten used to the change in about a week and a half?

I realise this probably isn't a high priority and really something that most people probably don't actually want, but will there still be downvotes on Kinja? Subquestion: if so, will it give the names of people who downvote this time? I'd like my downvotes to start being a statement

They presumably continue getting most of their views from people sharing Newswires and GOT reviews on Facebook

So how bout them dragons?

I bet there's one in German.

Plus so few other terrorist groups have a shot named after them.

Even worse, it might turn Nathan into Sacha Baron Cohen

If an artist is trying to put out a message and a lot of people get the wrong idea about it then they're either irresponsible with their message or a bad at getting it across, and whatever else you can say about Parker and Stone, they aren't subtle about making their message clear in any episode of South Park.

I kind of assume all of his friends treat him the same way as that one heavyset bearded guy everyone knows who spent 6 months being really into craft-brewing.

Eh, thematically Buzz and Woody as surrogate father figures in the first film does fit.

No, in that movie the losers didn't get any steak knives.

Yeah, but Brooklyn's more hipster than metal.

It's a ballsy move for them to put a joke in the trailer that's going to be so difficult to top in the actual movie

Eh, they'll all still have to work hard to beat out the early Democratic frontrunner; a wilting unwatered houseplant.

If you thought "just like Idiocracy" was a tired observation before, just wait til you see what's fucking coming.

There was a large portion of that series where I kept thinking "oh, so between Season 7 and now the vampires did get their powers"