
Nation collectively declares idiot "president".

Also recently listed, if you like poetry written by AVC commenters, a book I wrote called "Love is Breaking Plates in the Garden."

Pier pressure.

When they tried to release the whale that played Willy in Free Willy in real life it immediately beached itself and fucking died.

It's a pop-culture website and he's a major figure on reality TV. It's not like they're making you read about politics or some shit.

Is "ratings machine" a Terminator joke or am I giving America's President Elect too much credit?

They definitely named it after the most romantic sounding reason to buy dog suppositories, anyway.

Not yet, but just give them a couple more newswires.

About as sensitive as you need to be for his words to touch your heart.

To be fair, neither does being a dork that makes his own microbrew.

It's nice to have confirmation that Justin Vernon is one of those guys who always sets the font to courier so he can pretend his laptop is a typewriter.

It's a double bluff. The sort of cool kids that are likely to try smoking are also unlikely to want to imitate The Chainsmokers.

If you tell them now then what will you yell in the theatre?

It's not like it's the last straw in terms of quality

Actually, the posting of angry tweets is going to be the one presidential duty that Trump doesn't delegate.

"Remember remembering the 90s?"

Yeah, but it wasn't very emotional.

So they came up with the acronym first, right?

And the last thing to do is think that buying Jill Stein's The Real World: An Introduction to Sociology is going to help.

Just to be clear, before they open in each location they're going to take out a fresh restraining order on Dustin Diamond, right? Because sometimes those don't hold across state lines.