
Well they have to kill time somehow until Daenerys gets to Westeros in episode 8.

Just so we're clear: Jon Snow is going to fuck that 9 year old, right? Gross.

Spoilers for fisting.

6 Jessica Fletcher Pogs that Just Cant Even.

Waiting to begin the battle would.

Hey, I watch mostly for upvote fodder. More like "Jon No", amiright guys?

Kind of hoping it's a rumour that everyone in Dorne has mysteriously vanished, meaning that they'll never have to return to that dead-end plot again.

Tyrion peer-pressuring them both into drinking the wine was amazing. I was half expecting him to try and tell them that he'd think they were way cooler if they drank.

More likely calling on her memory of being blind until like three episodes ago.

It's a parody version of Ace of Spades.

Oh good. I've always felt that what killed his original concept of "badly written characters hanging out in a mall" was that it just didn't have enough room to breathe.

That's what, five out of seven episodes this season that have had fart jokes in them? Being freed from having to stick slavishly to the books is really letting the writers stretch themselves.

If you ever see something confusing or inconsistent about the time travel in the show; a wizard did it.

Maybe he'll freeze to death next episode and that'll be that.

This is very resolutely two things.

Actually, Prometheus is the scientist.

Hey, we now know Ghost/Past Bran has the power to give children seizures. I know a Chekhov's gun when I see it.

I think it's down to direwolf now.

This show just killed off one of my absolute favourite characters in a way that was so gloriously over the top dumb I can't help but laugh.

Think of the comments we'll be able to make!