
It was taken out of context in the edit. She's gone on record since as saying she's actually pro-racemixing, but this is Ellen, always chasing controversy.

And they're like the number one funder of children's beauty pageants.

"If you're worried about criticism, a diet is sometimes the best defense."

To be fair, the build-up to the Fakeblock reveal was one of the best twists I've ever seen in a comedy, even if I didn't find the rest of George Michael's story all that memorable in its aftermath.

The networks have a mutually assured destruction style deal that means none of them can ever air a show like that, since it would mean every other show on television would wither and die within weeks of the first airing.

Bootlegging whiskey and racketeering.

They've always made me feel like a hero, I know that.


"Chloe Bennet says Marvel cares pretty much the same amount as anyone else does about Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D."

Though in deference to him they did also drop the round they had planned on minority woman writers.

It can be two things.

Whatever. Where do the Jews work?

It's a sneeze-guard

I mean, I get why we want to shit on Taco Bell, but these all look fine? Like, I can imagine eating with non-plastic cutlery in almost all of them?

It happened yesterday.

Well, the creator is in his 90s and apparently pretty senile to boot. I'd say that not making him watch it is pretty reasonable, personally.


Everyone's talking about Tormund and Brienne, but I thought Ed was kind of giving Sansa the eye during that dinner scene as well.

There was a Dinesh line in the end of Season 2 about them having "proved their incompetence beyond a reasonable doubt" when they were considering deleting Pied Piper. Honestly, it didn't occur to me at the time, but I could buy this being all part of the plan.