
For Our Consideration: Is every life Superman saves not simply a death he has delayed?

Boy, I'm really excited to see this in 6 months or so.

Lawncare is not a joke, Grampton

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think the plot of one of those Animorphs books did actually involve the yeerks using a celebrity that everyone loved to convert recruits.

I meant in terms of the story beats. He's the character who acts as a brake on the protagonist and gives him something to push against, without reaching the point of being full antagonist. Kim takes a similar position, but there's less of a chafe there for Saul. I think Kim takes the Walt Jr position, as the emotional

I realise they are miles apart in terms of actual character, but the way I see it he operates in a similar space to Skylar on BB, and is drawing viewer hatred in a similar manner.

Very Breaking Bad style "time passing" shot after Kim's montage. There haven't been many of those in this series but it's always kind of satisfying when they're there.

Yeah, it kind of annoys me at times how the character everyone (including me) hates is also the one I identify with the most.

You're a monster and your children will be monsters.

Check out the channel on Youtube. They got there ahead of you.

A woman I used to work with had a nephew named "Bane". Cool (actually, not even that cool) name in the Batman movie, less so when you've given your kid a name that all but guarantees he'll work as a low level enforcer for the man in the neighbourhood who peddles drugs

I was under that impression until just now when I googled the lyrics in preparation to launch into an impassioned defence of Dire Straits. Turns out it is "chicks". That's disappointing.

A mosquito was heard to complain
That a chemist had poisoned his brain
The cause of his sorrow
Was paradichloro

In order for struggling schools to save money and avoid having to spring for the more expensive editions, America will simply make To Kill A Mockingbird irrelevant by closing the racial divide which has caused it's messages to speak to so many generations of readers

That's what she gets for being enthusiastic about things.

The CW strikes me as a network that was started purely so as the executives could make friends with showrunners and actors.

My gay uncle looked a lot like Sean Bean in the 90s. Apparently there was more than one occasion when a paparazzi type photographer would almost have an embolism trying to get a photo of him entering or exiting the Soho gay bars.


That was before they realised who they were putting up against her.