
I was saying Boo-urns…

Eh, still not worth it.

There hasn't been a really good drinking game movie in a while. I think the last one was actually pre-9/11.

The Pikachu Nintendo ages while he stays forever young.

Yep. There are going to be arguments about this movie on the internet, and god knows I'm going to take part.

Check your dignity!

Yeah, but you have to remember that, thanks to genetic science, those wings were mostly harvested from two or three tumour monsters in a lab somewhere.

We only have a problem when you try to do it.

He didn't leave! He went to the store, and when he comes back I'll wave those Pop Tarts right in your face!

Yeah, but… you know they don't like it either, right?

When the comment sections go down you can communicate by semaphore.

Clean sponges

Gritty 90s Tintin just had to stop pretending the racist stuff didn't happen.

Moor or less

The word you're looking for is "urban"

They've never seen it. They've seen the houses it bought, and they're terrific.

Adult diaper warehouse? Shit, I need to write that down before the commenting system changes.

But a little sexier

No. It's like having parents. It's not a real connection unless you can yell cusswords.

It can do two things.