
That's identical twins.

I detect the voice of bitter experience.

Oh yeah. But only when I wasn't swimming down by the creek or convincing my gullible neighbors of how much fun it would be to take over whitewashing my aunt's fence.

Man, a key-role in this is going to get him a lot of screen-time. I've seen how much regular babies love keys, and a baby driver will go crazy for them.

Aw. Nobody tell him.

The camera adds ten hat sizes

funky bass begins to play

Not yet. But we're clearly looking at a man who seeks out injustice to combat. He'll find this thread eventually.

“Bad books on writing tell you to "WRITE WHAT YOU KNOW", a solemn and totally false adage that is the reason there exist so many mediocre novels about English professors contemplating adultery.”

Motley Crue wouldnt play by your "rules". Why should we?

Think about it. When people are listening to the radio, what are they doing with their eyes? There are so many distractions out there, ready to peel away radio's listenership. With Music Television they could capitalize on that distraction, and finally open new markets in the deaf

To prevent people from impersonating it.

Whovian, quick!

White people problems, am I right?

"It was consensual"?

It's a lot easier to trip when your pants are already around your ankles.

Not since the Fatty Arbuckle story broke.

Pffft, "Fan Bites Star", that's not news. You know what news is? News is "Star Bites Fan". You wanna be a newshound, go out and get me a story that says "Star Bites Fan"

The AV Club has certainly changed their editorial policy since Nathan Rabin's controversial early column "Nazi Supermen Are Our Superiors".