
I feel like it's going to grow on me too. I keep reminding myself that I didn't like MBDTF or Yeezus at first either. I think people have gotten used to the idea that his albums are something similar to the artistic idea that the question of whether they're good or bad are irrelevant and that it's more about looking

I've had trouble getting into The Life of Pablo since I got it, and decided this morning that maybe it was the way the album flows that was the problem, and that I'd like the individual songs better if it was broken up a little, so I put all the Kanye songs I have in my phone on shuffle for my walk to work. Net

That's why I always pack my own.

No animals were harmed in the production of this program, Big Al says so.

That's not flying. It's falling. With style.

I mean, yes, that sounds like it would be "the ultimate test". At least for the individual dogs that they're strapping into the things.

"It's a ninja apprentice picture! Whaddya need, a roadmap?"

Better this than the actions of the ones that consider of themselves to be badass.

Hulu was founded 10 years ago. They're still covered by the "I was young and I needed the money" excuse.

You're not racist because of that. But you might be racist anyway.

It's in the way that you use it!

Or at least go all out and follow it up by freeze-framing and then smashing to credits.

But exactly as disgruntled.

That's what happens when you include a single player campaign with no replay value.

She's only a terrifying device until she sobers up.

I'm sure there are dweeby British kids who would disagree

Is that another of those moral outrage watchdogs that advertise on TV at 1 in the morning and send out flyers printed in comic sans?

They prefer the term "trickle down"

Pfft, if they want to feel connected to something they should just go to comment sections and bitch and moan anonymously like the rest of us.

As long as they didn't use it to replace the descriptor "Legs that go all the way down"