
Oh, I'm not saying that he should be ashamed of the role. Just that the breakfast jokes are going to follow him around for a long time.

Anyone else predicting a "Jonathon from Buffy' style career for this guy, where whether or not he moves on to work as a critically acclaimed person within Hollywood, he never escapes the shame and breakfast jokes of that first shameful role?

They could do a winner take all question with a "Fuck You" clause, where actually the person to get the answer correct has to leave and be shamed for being pushy.

Then little Timmy Danson lost an eye, and mother told us that we were forbidden from playing Jeopardy in the basement anymore…

Only the two that got through. As with every generation, one in three millennial's parents dont actually love them

I assume that's happening offscreen on every show I watch. It's the only way I can identify with the characters on most TV shows. Which, really, is just another problem they have.

What if he can smell crime?

Really, most businesses that operate a loaner policy should include a Kurt Russell clause somewhere on the contract.

I would have gone with The A.V. Club, but what have you

If people aren't already paying you then you don't have what it takes.

I know it's not how it was intended, but I really enjoyed reading this comment in an imagined "Yeah, it's good, but it's no Skynyrd" tone.

No, just you.

Maybe it wasn't a live broadcast. Obama doesnt address the British people, but they still show clips from his speeches on the news when something big happens in America.

Look, some stereotypes are true, ok? And I happen to agree with the one that says black people aren't white people.

Man, racism got weird when people stopped using the N-word

What does the smaller x to the left mean?

Vin Diesel, mainly

Huh. Well boy is my face red.

Dino's a cat now. I didn't realise I'd care about that

Man, I'd kill to have dreams like that. Or really, like anything other than all my ex-girlfriends berating me with the voice of my mother.