
What a surprise: a self-hating wolfman

I've heard that the cast of this one is more diverse than the main series. Maybe they're going to kill off a new kind of token character here?

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To be fair, David Simon says that about a lot of things.

I feel like A Weekend in the City would have been a lot better without Okereke's vocals. He has a decent voice, but the lyrics on that album are a clunky mess.

There's a huge crossover market between "Kevin Spacey fans" and "talking cat fans". This'll be a winner.

Dreamworks. I don't want you animating something that has such bizarre hair. Awful, awful hair.

The titles not taken in the next year by HBO will be snatched up by Starz

"Which real Housewives location appeals the most to you?"

It's a tragedy that this comment arrived too late to get the appreciation it deserves.

Welcome to the writers room. Have you ever tried cocaine?

What? No, I was being silly. I actually think Idris Elba would be a really poor casting decision for Lenin.

He played Mandela. I'm sure he could pull off a half-decent Lenin.

Heh. I love observational humour.

In Russia it's not an emporium, it's a government run dispensary

Being called racist. The R-word is like the N-word to white people.

I'm xenophobic to PETA. But only the Korean members.

Oh, so now you like albinos too? Is there any group you'll let us smear?

He never said it was one that he didn't find under the sofa.

Vogon Poetry living up to his name.