
Once the cloning lab beneath Neverland Ranch is fully excavated and the subjects removed from stasis there should be someone available.

The state of race-relations in America finally hits home for Jeffrie Bond.

That's not a fun fact!

It'd be pointless to try. Schools are so clearly in the pocket of Big Round-earth

This is what he does now. He has pretty similar twitter activity to your atheist nephew when he's between jobs and day-drinking.

Attachment is forbidden. Possession is forbidden. Compassion, which I would define as unconditional love, is central to a Jedi's life, so you might say they're encouraged to love.

That's true normally, but I imagine this will do alright on the Dorito-dust and continuity error crowd, if nothing else.

They're the type of cookies that are the opposite of weed.

Wolf and black.

"Oh, and my housekeeper Consuela."

The reason they're making the changes is that people pointed out a lack of diversity. Why is that the wrong reason, and what would the right one be?

The reason they're making the changes is that people pointed out a lack of diversity. Why is that the wrong reason, and what would the right one be?

Gotta give change time. Hell, if people get racist again two years down the line then they won't have to bother doing anything.

They almost went with "women and coloreds" but managed to nip that in the bud.

Yeah. And when was the last time they launched an overhaul to bring white talent into the Academy?

"What's that B stand for?"

The son gets a 4th episode plotline about underage drinking and a monologue about missing his mother, then we never hear from him again.

They're all the correct submission. They just cancel eachother out so you dont notice

Actually, that was only the case for a while. Then we figured out that if we stood next to Wales it would be less noticeable.

Blue cat-people: the face of hubris