
And hey, your mother was going to be disappointed in you either way

For the first time ever, older newswires are replacing new ones.

In the audio commentary to The Wire there's a great ten minute tangent about how nobody is entirely sure whether to address Method Man as "Method" or "Mr Man" when they're talking to him onset.

Do you really think there are shows out there depending on the audience-pull of David Duchovny?

They still have those.

Taste the drugs? Man, you're doing it wrong. Who's your rophenol guy?

Probably. And we'll never hear it.

Only if you squint

The keytar revival has to start somewhere, I guess

Oh, they've given up too. They're just in denial about it.

That was Emma Stone.

There's some kind of connection between Ben and Glory?

What he meant was that Mollusk Island is actually a peninsula.

Wow! Limited edition!

Pretty pink dress not pictured

What do you mean "will be"?

The gams are behind the camera now.

The AV Club

Yeah, my assumption was going to be that Charlie crashed on his first trip down the mountain when they made him hold the two beers "as ballast". That would have been pretty weak following the first episode of the season, and it made me like this a lot more.

Clever by Kevin Smith's standards doesn't actually mean clever