
It's good to see there are still people out there optimistic enough to ask "Why?" when they see a remake coming out of a movie from more than 15 years ago.

Through the magic of pausing and rewinding it can be

Do you mean it's different from previous seasons, or exactly the same?

Dear Hannibal,

Oh, hey, I actually know that table. I rambled drunkenly at Craig Finn beside it a couple of months ago while he looked around in embarrassment. I have no further questions.

So did he bring a folding table with him, or did you point him to a table that was being provided?

When CGI crippled the animatronics industry, they didnt realise the opportunities they were losing.

That one's understandable though. You think Sean Connery wasn't well into his ass-getting career by 10?

Well they had the clothes just sitting there

"Macbeth, but in a restaurant" seems to be an oddly common theme for Scottish independent movies. There was another one from the 90s with James McAvoy as a chef who goes mad with power when he gets a Michelin star. Also surprisingly well-made.

I don't know, I actually think it gives him more agency as a villain. The idea of a bad-guy who struggles to stay bad is an interesting twist on the "good guy who struggles to stay good" thing that the rest of the movies used.

To be fair, I'd watch the shit out of that fight,

Really? Gaia communicates and you respond with sass?

You stay away from my Charlotte!

It reminds me of the movie, Fame. And to a lesser extend, the TV series, which was also called Fame.

If they were to do that, they'd probably need to go really nasty with it.

That's what they get for flooding the market like they did

I have a theory that it's fodder for some sort of found-text art project that the CEO's kid is trying to pull off

Actually not entirely. The whole reason he was originally putting off this fifth film was because he had to wait for mysterious author GMartin69's 50,000 word Autobot story to finally be uploaded to

It's got Ben Folds on guitar. Does that help?