
I'm with you. It feels weird to complain, because that self indulgence was one of the things that made previous seasons so good.

While I steer clear of True Crime stories on principle in any case, I will say that one major difference between this versus how a newspaper portrays events is that a newspaper's purpose is to inform whereas a True Crime story's purpose is to entertain.

Believe me, by the time my erection's gone it'll be the abomination that needs maintenance

*Unzips pants*

Never mind, you didn't notice it because it wasn't true. There's that Shatner autobiography listed. Which I mean, still doesn't exactly inspire hope, but it's at least something typed.

I'm pretty sure it's the slog that's keeping him down. It can't be the care he puts into his prose.

Not a single book was mentioned in the most anticipated entertainment article.

Maybe old enough to be handed one in a hotel room

Not gonna watch Avatar, but has an in depth knowledge of the Smurfiverse

I hate the Royle Family Christmas Specials, mostly because my decidedly upper middle class aunt absolutely loves it in a very specific "laughing at the working class" kind of way, which really turns me off.

That's just the sort of joke that this movie won't make, what with it's PC agenda

Scatter some salt in a circle.

You have to wonder how many people have to pass on a movie like this before it ends up with Dolph Lundgren. I mean, you pointed out The Rock, but I figure at the very least Vin Diesel, and probably Bruce Willis too, right?

Helps the digestion.

Sometimes the loneliest place to be is in the middle of a crowd of glass dildos.

All of the milk is dog or higher.

News at 11

And a year after McCartney dies it'll be Ringo again.

In fact, it has been.

I've heard worse New Years resolutions.