
Actually, oddly enough it's the fact that he was the only president who didn't that killed him.

Then the manager tells him to get back to work as the next drive-through customer pulls up to the window.

Shhh, it's drawing enough people away that I'm first in line at Walmart.

Is it despised? I haven't seen it, but I was under the impression that consensus was more that it was on the road to completely forgotten.

Ditto. I'm never going to wait around after a show again after the way I talked to Craig Finn

Knocking on the peeling white paint of the wooden door until an old lady answers

I mean, I dont want him to get hurt. But I dont really see myself being actually sad if he was.

The Thom Yorke/Weird Al Yankovich collaboration I didn't realise I wanted until now.

"The target area is two meters wide. There's a small thermal exhaust port, right below the main port."

He's using the bottom four pictures

In no particular order at all:

Not only is that probably the most concisely brilliant song he's written, one of the things that kind of makes it so much more interesting is the fact that Darnielle himself doesn't give a shit about it, to the point where he doesn't remember the words in half his performances.

…the question I was originally being a bit glib about was about the TV show.

Was she on the show? I watched it like a week ago and I'd swear she was blonde.

It's to do with the diversity that keeps getting pushed on them. They haven't had a blonde woman as a superhero yet.

Oh ditto.

At a certain point, some of us have had to accept that the hottest thing is availability.

Hey, if Michelangelo's David can…

And the ex-girlfriend who cried a lot during your relationship.

The Little Mor-maid?