
No, wheel-spinning counts as exercise.

Each season is pretty stand-alone, except for the last two. As long as you can remember who is a drug-dealer and who is a cop you shouldnt have too much trouble.

I'd imagine that sometimes they're jumping to review the really shitty stuff since there's not much chance of Oscarbait letting them rattle off lines like "he may in fact have a hazy memory of whether or not he is the biological father of three chipmunks."

At times it amazes me that we've only gotten that far.

Please, the correct term is "Non-Union Mexican Equivalent".

Everyone gets pissed off thinking about Short Round. It's nothing to do with racism.

It's like it's coming right at me.

Yes, it's rare for a title to so easily roll off the tongue and yet still leave a bad taste in your mouth.

A loud "ew" followed by a much quieter "Do you think I could borrow that when you're done with it?"

Who ya gonna call and leave an awkward, halting voicemail message for?

That depends. Is the man grasping a futuristic dildo?

Not to mention his knowledge of his own track record as a pilot, compared with his character's.

It always takes him at least two false starts before he realises you haven't actually thrown the ball.

Oh, let's make it a racial slur. We haven't had a new one of those in ages.

Do you think they had a bet on who can come up with the most ridiculous choice? And if so, how will they tell who lost?

Really, I'd be fascinated to get a look at Trump's campaign management team, if it would give some sort of insight as to the cynicism vs true believer ratio that exists there.

Shit, OMGtv! Man, somebody missed their calling as a stand-up in 2001.

You're underestimating how little work is actually going to go into these shows.

That's just people trying to justify their "alternative" lifestyles. Get them to bible-camp and they can pray out the asshole, that's what I say.

Back up. Hooked up with or went to work the corner for a little extra cash?