
…do you think there'd be a market for a livestream if I did?

Oh, yeah, that wasn't a sarcastic thank you. I just couldnt think of anything that was both witty and grateful that I could say

Thank you.

There was actually an unauthorised sequel produced by the Victorian publishing industry's equivalent of The Asylum in 1898. It was called Edison's Conquest of Mars and was absolute dogshit.

"The E Street Shuffle" is probably the one I listen to more than any other, but I'm hard pushed to say I like it better than some others.

The darkness is so you can't see how far your life has sunk that you're not immediately leaving the Tim Hortons.

Yeah, if I wanted to spend my day watching something sitting quietly and occasionally going to the toilet I'd put a mirror opposite my couch.

WoodSword monodrone • 3 hours ago
You're right, nobody should bother expressing any opinion

Boys just mature at different ages, that's all.

"But not this one! But not this one! But not this one!"

Hated the Beatles and a diehard Journey fan and you only questioned his taste? You are a much more forgiving person than most.

Apparently they wanted the guy who played Savino to have a role in the prison storyline in Season 2 or 3, but they couldnt get him because he was actually in prison at the time. He got out in time for Omar to kill him in Season 5.

"A good church man's always up in everyone's shit."

I'm a Human Being, Dammit… Let Me Out of Here!

They believe they're going to rebuild the world, and you can't do that without high quality steel.

DS9? Hey look everyone, a non-Founder is talking!

Careful now, they're still mostly high-school age.

By making fun of things other than the thing it's making fun of?

He was in On Her Majesty's Secret Service. So no.

Is that the last one? Because I will stand by the 10 minute fight scene that takes place at the end of that movie as hilariously brilliant as a b-movie schlock fight for the ages.