
I am familiar with the works of Jorge Luis Borges.

It doesnt make sense until you compare him to some of the characters Lucas created with personalities. Lucas's talents really skew towards semi-mutes with cool helmets.

Doesn't pay much, but it's a role that'll give you great exposure.

"Who's scruffy lookin'? But, you know, not too scruffy lookin'"

Most things are.

"There's near-constant drinking involved, right?"

The guys who made Silicon Valley said in an interview that one of the hardest parts of creating the show was coming up with a simple nonsense word to name Hooli that hadn't already been taken by a real website.

Do people really criticize Season 2 on their Facebook page? I'm second-hand furious at that

Was this not a foregone conclusion?

It's funny, I love Slaughterhouse-Five, but the part I reread the most is the 30 page introduction Vonnegut wrote for it, which I find as interesting and poignant as any of his actual novels.

But a lot of pressure to live up to.

When you think about the fresh perspective that'd bring, you realise what a pity it is that none of Josef Fritzl's kids are American citizens.

Kid Cudi was there.

That's what you get when your ghostwriter also worked with Doctor Seuss.

So that's why Clive Owen hasn't been getting work lately.

Dont cross the streams

…two things.

To assuage his father's guilt and make him feel cool again, he was given a major role on Mad Men and allowed to show his chest hair to the nation in Season 7.