
Actually, I'll kind of forgive how crappy this movie looks if at some point during the farming scenes the protagonist shrugs, gives a fourth wall breaking glance and sighs "It's a living"

You take that back about my Susan!

I'm only into it if I feel like the zebra is enjoying it as much as I am.

Good bacon should be crisp enough to be ground into a fine powder and chopped up with a credit card.

Not to brag, but all my family's attempts at poisoning me have been much more subtle

How does it keep up with the news like that?

At the end of the day, Hugo Boss is Hugo Boss.

Hypothetically, would you prefer a nice geometric swastika or a close up picture of Trump's face?

They mean that after experiencing such a sudden level of fame he found himself flying too close to the sun.

Arent they transporting soldiers? I thought they were transporting soldiers. I mean, still a shitty design, but very slightly less shitty than the alternative

I'd still blame Hanks though. That's the sort of decision making that a good parent has the sense to beat out of their kid.

From my point of view, the clowns are evil.

Also makes you kind of feel bad for that guy with terminal cancer who got to see it early. After all that he didn't even get a screening of the completed version, poor sap.

Wow, I can't wait until I'm participating in call centre flashback threads.

Once someone pitched the show to him he couldnt turn that Pitch Back.

"Michael Moore: Suddenly America's Best Hope?"

Nah, Michael Moore just eats nothing but pork. It's respectful.

If for no other reason than that juicy juicy temptation.

Pff, one little attack and they roll over and let the country become flooded with Muslims.

Hard to give him any ideas now.