
They've since gone with the much more crowd-pleasing company policy of "Don't be Bing."

A surprisingly dark turn in the long awaited sequel to You've Got Mail

British politician sex might have to be expanded a little in the new version.

So will whoever is currently occupying John Malkovich's head now end up being able to claim residuals on this when they transfer themselves into a new host body, or did I misunderstand Being John Malkovich?

"Hah! These are my only friends: grown up nerds like Gore Vidal, and even he's kissed more boys than I ever will."

I had it on DVD for a while and will always remember it as having one of the most pot-fuelled commentaries I've ever listened to. There are at least two occasions where they stop talking to roll joints followed by audible exhaling into the mic. They also confirm that yes, they were incredibly high during every step of

I dunno? Gay marriage?

The little wiener that always has his hands in his pockets

Some people take their ghost hunting seriously, thank you.

Just in time for the ending of this season of Be Cool, Scooby Doo!

Maybe this film will be a sequel documenting his redemption after the hoax revelation, where they reveal that the only hoax was the fact that the first film was a hoax. But then it's revealed that actually that was the hoax.

Underrated Dylan song too.

I find that generally the safest reaction to any tragedy is to go with the opposite of what Rob Lowe says.

Nah, you have to have sex to get STDs.

I watched this show religiously and was pretty much the same age as Malcolm. When I recognised that I was starting to get moody as a teenager for a while I actually thought it was because the show was influencing my mindset until I realised it was just mirroring it perfectly.

Oh, so they were trying to do a Marvel thing after the fact?

Hey, one of them at least has experience in terrible origin stories

She won't be choreographing the fight scenes.

Quiet and mean is my preference too. I feel like I'd notice Amy's cruelty a lot more quickly, whereas with Tina I'd spend more time being obliviously sniped at and thus, if you'll pardon the expression, get that for longer.

You're right, the historical accuracy leaves something to be desired.