
The Irish are more charming?

I know, right? I'm actually really on board. I feel like based on the amount of slapstick double-takes in the trailer for this semi-serious movie it will be on my late night drinking roster for quite a while.

Disclaimer: God's not dead, he is only sleeping. No deities were harmed during the production of this film.

The Shining recut was better.

See I prefer Tina, but somehow I feel like if I met them both in a bar I'd have more of a shot with Amy. So… Amy, I guess.

To paraphrase an MRA: Well if you're walking around covered in prosciutto then you're kind of asking for it.

That's true, but the thing is you only need to keep reading until you've come.

Great art can be born from adversity. Persevere.


Can you rephrase that as a small picture?

Actually, it's one of those movies where De Niro's playboy character finally learns to change his ways and settle down with someone age appropriate like Aniston.

Relax man, it's the Today Show, not Frost/Nixon

Touche, edit made.

"Charlie Sheen (Author: My 20 Minutes With The President)"

To quote his answer to being questioned about visiting brothels a few years ago: "I like sex, and I can afford it."

Normally I'd call out that "literally", but after a party at the weekend a friend of mine left a couple of full bottles in the back of my fridge. It was indeed garbaged without question.

Although shockingly, not a will they/wont they to be seen.

Get Rid Of Slimer, girlS.

Paris is a pretty small city, all things considered. It would be hard for a shooting to be very far from the Louvre, since all these happened pretty centrally.