
Watch out, this guy has Game Journalist experience!

" I'd love to see some examples of what you're referring to." You show yours first.

These dudes are like fucking cartoon characters.

Any chance it could have been a wrong number?

There's a line to be drawn between "debate harassment" and "discuss harassment".

Tell me about it. I've rewatched Firefly a couple of times since becoming aware of his actual personality, and the scene where he tries to trade a gun for Mal's new wife becomes less funny with each viewing.

Holy shit. Ok, I think I agree with them pulling that, regardless of "journalistic integrity". That was fucking atrocious.

I missed the white supremacist thing. What happened?

I clicked on one of the reddit links they posted and at the top was this disclaimer:

I think right now most of this thread are on the right side. Check back in 12 hours though the 75% point will probably be pretty accurate.

Christ, are those real people?

It's a testament to how talented Joss Whedon is that he was able to make that guy likeable for 13 whole episodes.

From the article: The statement didn’t go into many more details about what the summit will look like, but did mention that representatives from both panels—SavePoint and Level Up, which sit on opposite sides of the shitshow of journalistic ethics, misogyny, and the politics of powerlessness known as GamerGate—will be

I'm fine with hearing how these people try to frame whatever their arguments are when they dont have anonymity to fall back on. The very worst result that anyone can expect will be that a few misogynists will be discredited, and the better results will build upon that.

Driver: Hey, you're not one of those silly men that's dressed up like a woman, are you?

She had all kinds of orgasms.

Does your mother send you the clippings whenever they're mentioned in the local newspaper? Mine did when a high school friend opened a carpet store.

Rita Repulsa. Of the New Hampshire Repulsas.

Hey, I remember watching the Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers. When the Yellow Ranger morphed she developed a pretty substantial package.

Interesting fact, the Irish word for a black person in "duine gorm" which literally translates as "blue person" for some reason. No dubs of this movie will be appearing on TG4.