
You're right, Star Wars is at it's best when it's working with small, niche audiences.

Her being willing to kill him after he murders a bunch of people is canon, right? Weren't Luke and Leia conceived after he killed all those sand people?

I dont know, the Trek films he made looked good, if nothing else. I'd blame the screenwriters for that more than Abrams. Not that he's necessarily a good choice, but I think if the writers are halfway decent and Disney reign in his worse tendencies it'll be fine.

But they were also unremarkable enough to be sent to negotiate in trade disputes. Man, those movies were sloppy.

Not leader, really. Technically it's just a way for them to select someone to negotiate for peace with the bears.

Jazz fingers clicking will make a comeback when the clapping gets too obnoxious.

The CancerAIDS count is off the chart. Over 20000

Welcome to the internet. Are you new here?

There was an analysis on Cracked a while ago of the Jersey Shore porn parody that claimed it stayed pretty true to the characters, to the point where two of the cast (I want to say one was called Vinnie?) refused to have sex because the people on the actual show didnt like eachother.

They can kill off Ceaser in this one to free Andy Serkis up for the next sequel's mo-cap Heston character.

They can't use that plotline here though, or it'll dilute the impact of the gritty Alf reboot

I realise this is probably massively late to the party, but I finally watched Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead last night and more people should give it a spin. If you like witty, postmodern takes on Shakespeare, but not in the shitty way that implies, you should check it out. It's on youtube in it's entirety.


Careful. Do we want to risk distracting attention from the "Dollerydoos" petition?

Really depends on whether you think getting to actually kiss your balls once (and I mean full on french them, not barely touch them after weeks of stretching exercises) is worth never getting to do that again.

A short extract there from Wikipedia's ten page treatise on the etymology of the word MILF

And before that, the trashcan fire.

I love that Lindsay knew the combination instantly.

Just to have it stated: I'm agreeing with you. In both my comments I pointed out that these "positive" beliefs arose in combination with negative stereotypes which already existed. Your first response was to a comment I made disagreeing with someone who was actually making the assumptions about "positive" stereotyping

Someone at Pixar is going to read this article and get very meta in their next pitch.