

The whole "Jews make good lawyers" idea stems from the same place as "Jews make good bankers", in that it's because of a belief they are sneaky and underhand as a people, which can be turned to the advantage of their clients. Law, like banking, is a profession that has been traditionally occupied by Jewish people for

Really? Who said that?

You best believe my sister's ones used to be able to be when I was 8

Some people can't help but go overboard with the hyperbole

Dont worry, there'll be an article about Miley Cyrus soon enough to balance things out.

I'm not sure how well that would work in a 1920s period piece.

The coat was to drape around orphans to prevent the whooping cough

Playmobil clearly have an extensive background bible for each of the small plastic men that they produce.

Asylum are getting into blaxploitation in a weird way.

The magic of Hollywood

Godwin's Law

His description of Noah, on the other hand, is pretty dead on.

Really depends on whether or not you're certain that ghosts dont also cause cancer.

They're too busy making the devices Netflix is watched on to even think about helping us out over here!

Indeed, look at the blouse sir

He's history's greatest monster!

My girlfriend isnt fake. It's just she's Thomas Pynchon's daughter, and for obvious reasons I can't show you any photos of her.

And the live action Scoobie Doo movie.