Big Foot

If your solution, as you stated, is to “buy a new iPhone,” then no, you’re obviously not impacted, and you refuse to understand that that isn’t an option for everyone.

A phone is a novelty item? Jesus you’re an idiot.

And then you realize that this same premise can be applied to just about fucking EVERYTHING you’ve legitimately paid for.

And the trouble/time/money you have to use to do these things are called “damages”.

lawsuits that act as a deterrent for future corporate fraud isn’t a waste of time. sorry you see it that way, mr pai.

So, because it doesn’t impact you, there’s no value?

Whelp, I’m glad you’re not in charge of consumer protection anywhere.

Why is not wanting your product to not be actively hindered by the manufacturer unreasonable? What if every car over 5 years old was limited to 65 MPH because as engines get older, fuel economy goes down so the cars are governed to preserve driver experience?

1 million are dying in Yemen from fucking Cholera but let’s get pissy over fucking statues, actors, and telephones.

Right, because humans can only ever focus on one thing at a time.

Thank god we solved all the other problems of the world and we can start focusing on the little things.

Thinking of 16 year old me, I would have definitely asked her, “If you’re so rich, why do you dress like that?” And then give her a look up and down like girl no.

They aren’t “political views”, they’re the sub-moronic bleatings of sleazy lying cocksuckers. There’s a difference. Indeed, some people with different and or ‘controversial” points of view merit being heard and respected. Then there’s the Trumps, who merit being spit on and pelted with rocks and garbage wherever they

Let’s just go for the jugular: “So do you really fuck your dad? Gross.”

When i was in highschool in DC, a CIA agent came to talk to the class, unaware that along with the group of government kids he was speaking to on career day, their were also a TON of whip smart foreign national kids in the room. He was called to court for exactly every shady thing the CIA had done that was public

“This is kind of embarrassing to ask, but what was it like on your wedding night? Did he really, you know, put it in you? Did it hurt? Was it awkward? And did you call him ‘Donald,’ or just ‘Daddy,’ like always?”

“Whoa, you smell just like a Kohl’s!”

“How many times per day do you find yourself regretting every life choice you’ve ever made?”

Just repeat everything she says back in a mocking question.

“Do you really think your husband is cute?”