Big Foot

“Shouldn’t it go the other way around?” Not really, not necessarily, not at all. In art, there really isn’t such a things as “cart before the horse”. Any point on a canvas or story can be created first because it grabs your soul and the piece often just flowers from there.

Every explanation of a scene is always an interpretation. If the meaning was meant to be explicit, he would’ve written an essay.

I like the shoulder brush. It’s theatrical and show-offy, which is the point: Luke is putting on a performance here, playing the part of Luke Skywalker the Invincible Super-Jedi, the legend no real man could ever live up to.

Did...did people never get stuff on their shoulders before Jay-Z came along?

I see that as the whole point was that he was trying to piss off and distract Kylo.  

I watched this movie again last night, and really tried to watch it with all of the major criticisms in the back of my head. Honestly i like this movie more each time i’ve seen it.

1) Yeah she was gonna die, but she was steering the ship to maintain the illusion the resistance was still in the big ship.

I liked this scene, but two questions:

And we have the readout of the president’s physical exam to look forward to. Assuming that happened.

Wow. “I know there’s inflation, but...” Really? You’re comparing $15/hour now (which isn’t even the current minimum - it’s slated to get up to $15/hr by 2023) to the same wage in 1997? Is this another “I’m mad or jealous that people less qualified by me are currently making what I was 20 years ago” tirades? Are you

My father spent 20 years in the navy.. know what we never paid for.... We never paid for Healthcare, housing or electricity. Everything we bought was tax free.. food, gas, tvs, computers... So please add all that to what would be $43K now based on inflation... I appreciated the service people in the military do..

Thank you for your service, but as a fellow vet... I mean, c’mon here.

Seriously, what’s the backup plan when nobody can afford anything?

You try to live off $15 an hour part time and tell me how, not low that is.

Dude... you’ve clearly been brainwashed if you think that even $29,000 a year is a decent living wage in 2017. Families struggle to survive on double that amount. Have you seen housing prices? Food? Gas? Insurance? Do you live in a bubble?

Anyone gullible enough to believe this isn’t the path he would take anyways is pretty... well, gullible.

When everyone is making an extra $20 a day serving 50 customers an hour, you’ve eliminated the entire segment of the population that couldn’t afford an extra $1 for their shitty meal. In fact, even more of them can now afford it in general, rather than squeezing every penny they have and brown-bagging all their meals

Totally with you on The Constant. Also loved the season 2 opening scene, and the way it brought the viewer back into the series from a whole new angle.

Thank you for #11. I tell people this all the time and they never get it. Yeah, all the plot twists and such are fun, but the show is about these flawed characters existing together.