Big Foot

Interdictors are ships in the star wars canon that prevent other ships from using their hyperdrive. They are used in the movies so it’s not “some science terms”. They work, as described, by creating artificial gravity big enough to prevent ships from doing their hyperspace thing.

“BB-8, sorry to do this little buddy, but....well...your kind replaceable. You can calculate hyperspace jumps...that’s kinda your main purpose. So give us about 20 minutes, then hyperspace this piece of shit into that big-ass First Order ship. We’re gonna bounce and regroup later. Thanks, bud! I’ll make sure you get a

This is a smart group, most people seem to have a solid handle on this situation.

Look, no matter if you are talking about a starship or a modern day naval ship, there is only one active helm location at any one time. At the helm, you can control the engines and the course of the vessel. All the other crew functions include lookouts, system monitors, navigation (for complex courses), engine room

Even on modern vessels, the helm of a ship is usually one person, who controls steering and the throttle. The rest of the crew is usually performing other functions - weapons, communications, making sure that power is being distributed properly, that engines/reactors/whatever aren’t overheating. All of these things

The crew is generally there for the day-to-day maintenance, redundancy in ship operations, to be there as backup in case another crewman needs it, emergency repairs, etc. Basically, things you don’t need to do when the ship is about to be destroyed within minutes.

I could turn an A380 around and firewall the throttles with ease. My point: almost anybody can fly almost anything for 2 minutes. Especially true if your end game involves your death and total loss of your craft.

With the current tide against sexual misconduct, thank goodness there are no Kennedys left...

She’s popular when she’s actually in office (both as secretary and senator) but people hate her when she’s running- it’s like people don’t like women with ambition but seem to change their tune when they see that a woman can actually do a good job despite our pesky breasts and hormones.

Would she be called an opportunist if she was a man? No one is saying that about Cory Booker or the other male senators who have called for his resignation.

There is no question she took some big risks on Franken and Clinton, but they seem to be paying off. She didn’t create the cultural moment but she was the only one who had always taken a hard line against sexual harassment so she’s well positioned. At the end of the day the party will come around, because if it

Yeah, not saying there isn’t some valid criticism of her but it’s interesting that the brogressives(white males) hate her and kamala Harris. Funny that.

Read and weep for our children:

My mother recently admitted she wishes Trump would be more presidential.

Kirsten Gillibrand has found herself, by virtue of her long history of focusing on sexual harassment and the cultural moment we find ourselves in, probably in the best position to capture the Democratic nomination in 2020. Trump is reacting to that, but because he can’t actually think strategically, he’s done the

You can just taste the intelligence juices in each serving of maple cured bacon.

I’d go so far as to say they’re delicious because they’re so intelligent!

This is an insult to pigs; they are extremely intelligent and delicious animals.

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand, a total flunky for Chuck Schumer and someone who would come to my office “begging” for campaign contributions not so long ago (and would do anything for them)

Yeah - anybody who didn’t see this coming was ostriching pretty hard.