Big Foot

Correction, K-Wings are the A-10s.

Z-95 headhunters are in the Clone Wars animated show. And I think in Rebels, which makes them Canon.

you need to apologize to this A-Wing pilot right now. She’s no loser.

Yes, thank you. It was a WAR CRY

RZ-2 A-wing

Alright, I read your article. “HEY, FUCK YOU” stands as you fundamentally misunderstand the A-Wing. It isn’t a dog fighter. The X-Wing is still an unparalleled dog fighter and escort craft.

The A-Wing is an interceptor and strike craft. Used correctly, it’s a hit and run master, popping out of hyperspace, screaming

Exactly. That was WAY more of an “if I’m going down, I’m taking these motherfuckers with me” war cry than a little girl scream.


I don’t know what little girls you’ve been around, but if they scream like he did then I suggest you back away slowly before running for your life.

There is no film evidence of Y-wings being either slow or rugged. They’re way more F-105 than A-10.

Why do X-Wings even have wings in the first place? THEY’RE IN SPACE!

Can a bigger fan than I (and I’m a pretty big fan, but still) explain to me what the canon explanation is for all these ships being named after letters, due I’m guessing to their shapes, X, Y, A, but then the Aurebesh alphabet looks like this?

Eh, Wishbones are like A-10s: rugged and well-armed, but sloooooooow. If I need to take out a space station, or knock back a ImpStar’s shields, I’ll gladly take a squadron of Y-Wings, but I’d want some X- or A-Wings along to deal with any Eyeballs or Squints.

Dang James tell us how you really feel. Not everyone gets to be in an x-wing. Not everyone gets to be Maverick and Goose and be in an F14 (couldn’t help but giggle at the thought of an aatromech named G-0053). They need some variety. Leave the A-Wing alone. It serves a purpose. Little and zippy you don’t dogfight with

Yes, exactly. A-Wings are MiG-25s or F-104s: all the extraneous stuff pared away so you get speed, speed and more speed.

Yep- A-wings are the type of spacecraft that peels out of a Starships and Coffee, loses control of its lateral thruster and crashes into a sandcrawler, to the delight of all the Tuskens who had gathered to take pictures.

A wings don’t suck. They are the Hyabusa of the Star Wars universe. deadly fast and not for pansies. I will argue that the X-Wing is NOT the finest fighter in canon. That honor would go to the Clone Wars era Y wing with gunner’s seat, astromech socket, and those magnificent art-deco fairings behind the nacelles the

Your rage is magnificent, James, but it pales in comparison to my disappointment that they didn’t bring back the B-wing, the most interesting and under-utilized fighter in the Star Wars universe.

X-Wing is just an upgraded Z-95 Headhunter, “ooh look 4 WINGS!”

For you Arvel - you will always been remembered .....but Wedge in his T65 is still the best