Big Foot

TalentPen insisted that ToolbagFarm was to blame, a claim which ToolbagFarm vigorously denied, instead alluding to their subcontractor, TwatBucket.

So I’m sorry, but if security is your business, it is also your job to make sure the vendors you work with are as secure as you are, or you are not secure at all. This being one of their external vendors does not let them off the hook.

I’m having a bit of an ethical dilemma in my reaction similar to the Ashley Madison breach. On one hand, breaches of privacy = bad and this could put people’s lives in danger.

@TigerSwan: If it’s your fucking contractor who did it, YOU did it. YOU put them in the position to fuck up because you decided either it was cheaper to have them do it or you didn’t have the expertise. If you can’t or won’t do the job, you shouldn’t bid on it.

That’s disconcerting. Resumes would be bad enough. But a CV contains dozens of pages of personal and in-depth information - some may even have classified work attached as a portfolio... While I’m sure most of the people here understand what a CV is, I’m sure that a few will wonder what the big deal is about.