Big Foot

Operation Chariot was featured at the start of Medal of Honor: European Assault.

+1 for the Monty Python reference

Because his tweeting that makes it easier for the defense to argue that any potential jury pool would be tainted by Presidential opinion. Same reason why it was a problem when he did it to Bergdahl. #TheResistance

And the people who sacked those who were just sacked now would like to inform everyone that they have been sacked.

It will give the defense ammo, saying that he can’t possibly get a fair trial. Which is why, right or not, most government officials know to keep their mouths shut on personal feelings.

“Captain’s Log, Stardate 3440.5: Nothing untoward happened today. Everything went swimmingly. Nobody died and we didn’t violate the Prime Directive at all. Not even a little bit. We certainly didn’t start a shooting war with the Romulan Star Empire. No, sir. Not us.”

The sun was brighter. The grass was greener. Food tasted better.

I think you have it backwards right? The Fitzgerald incident is so painfully bad, it is shocking. As bad as the bridge watch situation was, that line about the CIC failures was even more terrible: “watch team members were not familiar with basic radar fundamentals, impeding effective use... [Team members] failed to

There are many economic and political reasons not just defense reasons. For example every country has territorial waters and exclusive economic zones that are certain distances from shore. If the successfully claim this land it would prevent any other country from fishing nearby without special permissions. This area

It’s as if none of them had ever run drills on what to do in these situations, which are, it cannot be overstressed, routine for a ship at sea. When you have guys freezing up like that and tripping over each other’s nuts, it’s because they simply haven’t practiced their jobs enough. You have to wonder what the CO’s

Not saying I don’t agree with scaling back operations, but the reason we “buzz” the Chinese Islands is to prevent China from calming international water as their own. In the US, your neighbor can build a fence across your property; if you do not dispute it after a period of time it actually becomes their land. So in

Non-Navy vets often have a hard time understanding how absolute the command structure is at sea. It’s a legacy of the fact that in the old days, the captain truly was the final authority because there was no way to communicate with anyone once you were over the horizon.

Putting more ships into service is necessary in my opinion. 

As an ex Navy person the event on McCain is so shockingly bad, it’s hard to believe. The failings were so severe that the ship should of not been allowed to sea until the crew had the most basic seamanship training.

Putting more ships into service is necessary in my opinion. Recommissioning the Perry Class frigates seems like a no brainer to me. The hulls are still in good shape, they wouldn’t cost anywhere near as much to modernize and re activate than to new build and would be able to take the pressure off some of our other

Sprint insists on having a big say in running things, still think they’re big shots because of SoftBank.

If I were king, I’d probably start by stripping both of them of their content businesses and keeping them out of that industry completely. They’d then have no incentive to prioritize one form of traffic over another (I’d do the same to the cable operators: they need to focus on providing fast, reliable connectivity.

Good. Now just break up Verizon and AT&T and we’ll have a properly competitive market.

That you need to have your hand held and be told repeatedly that something matters is a you problem not a show problem. And the fact that you can write that last sentence without a hint of self-awareness would be hilarious if it was not kind of sad.