Big Foot

I want to adopt a failed bomb detecting or police dog as I, too, am terrible at following instructions.

The world is worth saving for, if no other reason, dogs.

Hanging out in one of his many luxury hotels, with a couple of “new friends” in tow:

Hey, regarding those promises to the coal industry? NPR just reported that TEXAS is decommissioning three coal-fired power generation plants. If fossil fuel can’t even keep their own mecca in line, it’s time to realize the jig’s up.

Hey, now! Props to the best “twin act”, Patty and Cathy Lane.

I always enjoyed the dark crystal / full house crossover episodes,

Sad to say, considering the piss-poor educational system in this country, most 5th graders probably don’t even know the US Virgin Islands exist. Heck, many of them probably don’t even know their own state capital. I had a college level geography class in 2015 where a shockingly large amount of people could not

Followed by dinner in formal attire:

Next, I expect him to tackle this overwhelming obstacle (oh, the horror!):

OMG! I’m voting for you for everything.

Did they also explain to him that they’re not islands inhabited exclusively by virgins?

he doesn’t even know what 25 amendment is, so geography is way above his paygrade

It shouldn’t be news every time Trump doesn’t know something.

Maybe the trick is to convince Trump he is ONLY president of the US Virgin Islands.....

I know right, it’s really hard to remember the 50 states, let alone any territories. 50 States, 50 of them, that a very big number, that’s a lot; you throw in territories and it starts to get even more confusing. Besides it’s not his job to know that kind of stuff, it’s his job to make America great, and he’s doing

I have a couple very vocal Dump supporters on my facebook who have been more than happy to get all twisted up over the NFL, Eminem and how the fake news is just soooooooooooo mean to him. Yet they’ve all become oddly silent over his defunding the ACA. The optimistic part of me wants to believe that they are seeing the

I’m starting to get the feeling that Trump and his Cabinet might not be that smart.

It’s even worse!

Trump and the President of the Virgin Islands got along so well, they spent the day together:

Honestly, we know better than to expect him to know that he’s the President. He’s a god damned idiot - of COURSE he has no idea.