Y'know the secret of the bubbles on the back of the packets for this series?
Y'know the secret of the bubbles on the back of the packets for this series?
Agreed, the Spartan was amazing. Don't have him though. Hmmm. EBAY.
It seems that there's less and less truly incredible figures as each wave goes by. In the first set there were 4 great ones like the Magician, Zombie, Robot and Luchador - in the second wave I only fancied the Vampire - and in the third, I finally got the Gorilla-Suit Man.
I'll stick with the 'controller on the floor' method for now I think. The charger would end up occupying the exact same place anyway.
As someone who is terrible at maths, that game sounds downright terrifying. Dead Space 2 has nothing on this. Still, it's good for those who don't have a crippling phobia of high-pressure mathematics I suppose. Hope they raise the cash they need.
Like most games of this type, it'll come down to how smart Amy is. If she's running into walls or into the awaiting talons of the enemy every two seconds; no thanks. It's an intriguing concept though, and I await with cautious optimism.
@GeshGav: But at least I got that really entertaining story out of it, eh? eh?
I bought Bulletstorm today, which I didn't think would ever happen. I strode confidently into HMV today, ready to buy Killzone 3; my steely resolve clearly evident as I pushed my fellow shoppers to their doom from the escalator.
Thanks man - wasn't really angry, just seemed like the in-thing to do. Haha
The image doesn't show for me! Rage! The re-design! Rage! Etc.
I've been loving the new series so far. The first was rather hit-or-miss, but this seems much more coherent.
That damned Alma - she is a pest! I'm looking forward to this game. One of the writers Steve Niles (who wrote 30 Days of Night) gave us some of his time in the last episode of our podcast to talk about the writing process for the game amongst other things: [www.geshcast.com] - what a guy!
I don't think you're trolling man, it's clear you're passionate about this. I haven't experienced many problems with the re-design myself, and I've been around the site as a lurker and then eventual poster in the last year or so. It's clear we all have different experiences with the site - who we speak to and choose…
@Sir Beefychu: Who, me?
@Slagathorian: Save the trees and kill the children.: Awww - you're a good pal Slagathorian: Save the trees!
I think the problem is that it's an undefined, wide-reaching term. Some just view general assholes as trolls, even if they vehemently believe in their stand-point. I view a troll as someone who deliberately flames people, starts trouble or makes comments specifically to get people incensed.
Agreed, but as I say later - it's something that started out being used for folks who deserved it - the real pricks out there. Now all it seems to take is saying that a game looks better on a certain console, and it's STOP TROLLING YOU TROLLIE TROLL TROLL.
Sorry folks - was just ramblin' on something that annoyed me recently. I know it's hardly a new trend, it just seemed to ramp up recently. No doubt I'll be all verbally castrated by all you GOD-DAMNED Tro....
That's a great story - and a testament to how (some) video-game characters can be just as inspirational as those found in other media. Good for her.
Y'know what? I think I will! I find it very interesting for some reason!