
I've had this pre-ordered for my little brother since before Christmas. Since then I've had weekly text messages like "So you're sure that you've pre-ordered?" and "It's definitely coming on launch day right?" - so I pray to all that is holy that it arrives, and the grubby lil' monster enjoys it.

Having 'Play Coins' unlock in a similar way to achievements, that could then be spent on in-game content would be a good idea. I don't imagine the coins are directly/exclusively linked to the pedometer through, for various reasons. There must be other ways to earn them.

I KNEW that I was still hip.

There was something really creepy about that trailer. Ugh.

I love how many different weird things happen in that second one - such an odd section of the game to start fiddling around and finding glitches. Wonder what else lies in the other Megaman titles...

Thought I'd read the full article before bulldozing in with horrifically obtuse prostitution allegations. It was a very interesting article. Being lucky enough to be engaged to a female gamer, all I can say to prospective customers to the site - don't let 'em win.

I'll have a look to see if there's a similar title (no doubt called Blass Gower 2) on Android Market. Looks like a lot of fun.

Haha thanks, I'll bear those in mind. I'll need to give it a bash tonight

I'd definitely get stuck into Dead Space 2 - Like most games of its ilk, the scares get less frequent as the action ramps up later in the game. After a while, you're a little desensitised to the shocks.

You really ARE MacGyver!

I had my first Kinect experience in Gamestation today - while the place was completely deserted. Otherwise I wouldn't have put myself through the ordeal of looking like such a tit (I get that often enough, believe me). It was Kinect Sports Boxing - and the immediate selling point was that I was able to do a Popeye

That is very impressive, considering it's mostly newspaper, glue and paint. Hopefully it won't be raining come Halloween.

Wait...are you...SniperMonkey?

I totally forgot about 'The Nub' for the first DS. I mean, I never used it - but that's a blast from the past.

I still follow professional wrestling, at the ripe ol' age of 28. I'll pretty much watch every mainstream show that comes by - Raw, Smackdown, NXT, Superstars, TNA, RoH - if I can. I'm extremely excited by WWE Allstars, which looks like a breath of fresh-air. Punching people so hard they fly 40 feet in the air is okay

Haha fucking Mortal Kombat gameends. Like anyone who plays Mortal Kombat plays ga....

For some reason, I can see your reply in my profile page - but not as a reply in this thread. I can only chalk it up to the redesign and it's issues.

Haha fucking Mortal Kombat bookends. Like anyone who plays Mortal Kombat reads books. #onlykiddinginternet

Of course Capcom are entitled to do whatever they want with their own product. If they want to release a disc with unlockable/premium data, then they can. It's not about ethics or morals, it's about making money - which they will do via this method.