
For goodness sake, folks. Capcom are a company, they are not your buddy. People will buy this DLC, so they charge for it - simple business.

It's a great game! No DONKEY KONGA though! #kidding

I will!

It's called Geshcast - found at - Glasgow Scotland's #1 Gaming Podcast! Haha. Episode 8 is in the works for the end of this month. Thanks man.

Not plugging - but I'm recording the next episode of my gaming podcast this week. We're going to do a quick Gamecube retrospective - anything in particular that folks would like to hear?

@t3hVeG: I knew someone would be in here, giving the 'Cube controller grief. I personally love the GC Controller - my own controller being named Excalipad.

Am I the only one who thinks that Yoshi looks delicious? I know it's a bit creepy, but I've always thought that a nice barbecued Yoshi would taste amazing.

Folks still moaning about the design change?! Dry your eyes, son.

Aww thanks! :D

Huzzah, my TAY Pic was used! One day I will contribute enough to earn my star!

Absolutely not. He's one of Marvel's most well-known characters. He debuted in 1939 in various formats until Marvel established itself - having many of his own series and miniseries. He is definitely not a DC character, and is around 20x more entertaining than Aquaman could ever hope to be.

My curiosity got the better of me, and I checked out the other ending cameos; if only to see if they'd shoehorned my favourite Marvel character in there. Unfortunately Prince Namor McKenzie, The Savage Sub-Mariner does not seem to be in the game.


I thought Duke Nukem was pretty tough? Looks pretty 'armless to me.

We have a semi-decent sense of irony when we do it? Maybe?

I imagine his jokes would have been better if he'd just made them funny. Oh-ho, it's Friday folks - and that means snarky internet back-biting!

Every time someone mentions 3D Printers, I get all dewey-eyed thinking that we're one step closer to Star-Trek style Replicators. Then it'll be the HoloDeck - then it'll be just BOOTING aliens in the face.

My favourite 'bad' game of all time was 'Legends of Wrestling' on the Gamecube. I remember getting the 'Cube for my 18th Birthday - and my new girlfriend (now fiancée) bought me Legends. I knew it was terrible, but played it to keep the peace. I ended up playing it more than any other title for years on end. Such a

Don't make me choose, Sony! DON'T MAKE ME CHOOSE!