
As much as I loved the demo, and most of the trailer; I was slightly disappointed to see that they not only ripped the end title animation from the Transformers movie trailer, but played nearly the exact same sound at the end too. Odd. Still really looking forward to this. Slidey-gunny-covery-shooty!

@Tiller: Split 'em! I sold the game! I don't caaaare! Split 'eeeeem!

I traded this in fairly recently since I'm not a huge fan of competitive multiplayer. As a game, it was fairly decent. Lots of fan service for me to get excited over, but definitely needed a few more 'wow' moments. I'm surprised that their new DLC characters already appear in the game. Surely it would be a prudent

@hbkotaku: I'm a massive fan of Transformers, which led me to forgive the game'sshortcomings. It plays fairly well, but I didn't note much variation in the gameplay. It suffers from the usual third-person shooter woes - and there's some general lulls in the levels of excitement, but there's a lot of thought and

These videos have me in their thrall and refuse to Lego.

@SSgtTEX: I highlighted the spelling mistake, I'm sure the esteemed Kotaku posters could work out what the error was. What's this 'If you feel the need to do so' stuff? Surely everyone should be dedicated to making this place better?

@SSgtTEX: That's why they have the hashtag for corrections, son. Trying to help out. Y'know? No? Okay!

Can I stop playing the Vanquish demo? No, no I cannot...

I love Miyamoto, he can come out and basically say he has no idea what's ahead of us - and it still makes the news.

It's a style of fighting game that doesn't have many imitators, unlike most others. Hopefully this will bring some new ideas to the forefront, meaning that the next Smash won't be another re-tread of what's come before.

Huzzah! Always wanted to play this. This is a great day, rejoice! REJOICE!

I'd love a console like number 4 there. So sleek. It would run 3D games directly into your eyeballs/brain at the speed of sausages.


#corrections - 'You can attend to' - for shaaame! Tetris for #1!

@excaliburps: The cashier was a dude who looked like Mr. Smithers. So YES.