
I bought EyePet today; mostly for the camera, partly for my ill-girlfriend to cheer her up. I made sure to mention this to the cashier.

@Korbei83: Yup, the Nintendo way. A whole new generation was introduced to Mario through NSMB and Galaxy, it'd be silly for Nintendo not to exploit that by re-releasing Allstars. I guess that their 8-bit counterparts are repellent to these youths, with Allstars being slightly easier on the eye.

@Korbei83: I'd see your point if it were a remake, but it's a compilation of old games. They're not reinventing the wheel, they're just making sure you've got a spare.

@Vanderblade: I don't know how it works around here, since I'm a lowly non-starred commenter; but does saying 'Don't feed the troll' actually feeding the troll? Layers of meaning here.

I was thinking about getting EyePet at lunchtime (5 minutes away) - so I'd have the camera for Move (and Singstar). Now I'm not so sure...

So they added Move support, can they remove the ham-fisted storytelling? OH SNAP.

This game is destined to tank.


Hooray, a motion-controlled ALIENS style Power-Suit game cannot be far off. I'll be all "Get away from her, you GLITCH" and everyone will laugh.

@Ubik! the Rat Parade: I'm not too concerned about the lack of a third episode, the games are fun - that's all I'm really bothered with. Didn't know about the text version though, thanks for the tip. I shall look out for it in the future.

Just completed the first episode of 'On the rain-slick precipice of darkness' - an enjoyable romp. Enjoyable enough to get the second episode right away. Thought I'd get that information out there...

I'm going to take some time to myself this evening and enjoy SHATTER to the fullest. Why don't you join me? Not...actually join me, you understand. What I'm saying is that you should play SHATTER. In caps.

I've been doing a gaming podcast recently and the day BEFORE they released the Co-Op trailer we were all "Wouldn't it be great, eh? Co-Op Portal?" - then we had to edit out 20 mins of fanboy blathering. Good though, can't wait to see what they'll do with it. Still, the competitive Speedball amalgam sounds intruiging.

@MrGOH: I'm sure in motion it'll look better- plus, it's the D.S, what do you expect? That they know the limits of the console and don't try to push crap like this? Is THAT IT? Oh right...

@resonance462: Exactly! I bought a PS3 for TLG, pretty much.

Having virtually ridden all three horses in question (Epona, Agro and Red Dead's Mike the Horse) I'd have the say Agro takes the title. His subtle movements, character and nobility ensured a bond right up until the end of Shadow of the Colossus. I don't think I've had that kind of bond since.

I really dislike the thought of joining the frenzied nay-sayers of the internet by jumping all over this, but saying something is a shooter, an action game and a story means it's a shooter with action elements and a story. Like, most shooters. Like, all shooters. The game looks incredible, I just don't like them

@Jekku: There's a cood ghance.

@Weirdwolf: It's the only time it occurs. I think I'm going mental. In fact, It's decided.