I hate that “honor code” where nobody’s supposed to tell anybody that anybody’s cheating.
I hate that “honor code” where nobody’s supposed to tell anybody that anybody’s cheating.
Something very similar happened to a childhood friend of mine minus the witness protection program. The husband was with the other woman while my friend was at work and then one day my friend searched for her husband in Facebook and found him “in a relationship” with another woman. His family knew and they never told…
Her flabby arms and poor form indicate she doesn't do that often.
I don't watch wrestling these days, but based purely on his appearance on The Soup on Friday this Daniel Bryan guy may be one of the coolest, most entertaining guys in his business since Mick Foley. Jesus, but he knows the exact level of over-the-top to go for to get a reaction and a laugh.
Am I the only one that saw the red polo on a Sunday and initially assumed/prayed Tiger was up to his old tricks?
Welcome to Kinja, Mr. McMahon.
brb, gonna have a good cry.
Are women really that powerless? By your logic, she was raped then.
Ugh, grow the fuck up. (not you, them.)
Hell, I get that now in the nonprofit sector, with men who are my equals in position routinely asking me to do administrative work that is explicitly not my job and that they've been told is not my job over and over again. I can't prove that it's because I'm a young woman who "looks" like an assistant, but I can't…
Are you the same commenter or did you lazily lift the top comment off of the Reddit post about this?
By all accounts she wasn't good at her job, didn't get along with people, didn't take the good advice she was given. She filed the lawsuit the same month her husband declared bankruptcy, and he's subsequently been accused of fraud. I think the jury got this one right.
Don't tell me when to live.
Russell Simmons is correct
Did Jaden write Ciara'a tweet?
Melissa. I say this as the loving mom of a 2 year old and as a long time fan of your work: there is nothing cute about a 2 year old shouting in a restaurant.
I'll just leave this here.
Pretty sure that honor is reserved for Canada geese. Vile tempered shit machines... Owls stay away from people, they don't attack random kids walking through the park, and most of them don't poop. A vast improvement over geese.
You left a note, right Doug?