
I couldn’t get past the typo in the second paragraph:

Doctors can actually be pretty fucking dumb especially if they went to medical school decades ago, don’t follow research or have a robust understanding or respect for science.

Probably being the same piece of crap he was the day he met her.

Sure the system only allows one president... that you’re aware of.

Yep. Don't have babies if you can't support them. What kind of person is so entitled that she feels like someone else needs to support her kids?

No. There is no evidence. Period. Full stop. You’re acting like this hasn’t been studied to death since Adrew Wakefield’s fraudulent study was exposed, leading to the revocation of his medical license. Thousands of studies have been performed. Exactly none of them showed any hint of a link.

Living life and making choices by considering everything that epistemologically could ever be is impossible. Lizard people who live on the moon may actually run the Shadow Government, but living my life in deference to that would be impractical.

It’s sort of like changing your tweet “The Earth isn’t flat” to “The Earth isn’t flat as far as I am aware” because you definitely aren’t trying to pander to flat Earthers.

I’m don’t need to prove anything. There is no evidence.

Soooo where's the father?