
Biden is a part of the system and therefore a part of the problem. I'm with Jill Stein 2016

Women are objectivly inferior to men at many things.

Karma is a bitch.

It’s like that in the real world too. No complaints here.

Sorry, but men and women aren’t the same. They’re different. And Gawker admits it all the time. Jezebel doesn't even try to hide their knowledge that men and women are different. Ever read the posts about how disabling periods are? They freely admit women are sidelined by periods.

He has access to all the books he can get his hands on. It’s hardly a bad deal

We’re all going to die. ‘Deserving death’ doesn’t even make sense. However, some people, like Roof, deserve much shorter lives than nature would allow.

Im perfectly fine with public executions for cases this open and shut.

Who?! Okay. And?

Wendy is an Uncle Tom. That’s been obvious for years. Sucking up to the white man.

I can’t wait to see this!!!!

Dying in fire is painless. Most people succumb to smoke inhalation, lose consciousness and hypoxia sets in. The victim is near brain death often before flames consume the body.

Thanks, Ayn.

Yeah. It’s definitely her fault. It is her responsibility to secure the resources necessarily for her children. A reliable, trustworthy, and productive father would be one of the those resources. Arguably the most important resource.

Oh, I’m well aware poor woman choose to have children they can’t provide for AND don’t care if anyone else can either, including: The father, parents, family, government, God....

Oh, I’m well aware poor women choose to have children they can’t provide for. Is anyone else??

It’s is my business when their economic plight is being waved in my face like its some tragedy. If it’s a tragedy I’m going to ask some tough questions about responsibility, starting with the mother.

I hope the mother gets gets her tubes tied

Yeah. Throw money at the mother. Maybe she can get pregnant again.

No kid should live like that and yet women like you continue to reproduce with awful men. Let’s blame everyone else for your horrendous judgement which endangered YOUR children.