
if men didn't mope away when I didn't have one. (Note: this is not a bad thing, that men are concerned with my pleasure.

Go her, her friend, and her dad! It's sick that old men think it's ok to call her a whore and crap. She's got the right idea!

It's so icky how Republicans can actually say that stuff about young girls in public... *shudders*

have you seen that picture that has a sign saying 'She's someone's mother, sister, wife' ect? And they crossed things out so it just says 'She's someone.' I love that so much.

Sex is not primarily recreational...

Yes. And if you didn't go out on the town, you wouldn't get raped.

YOU prove how it's NOT about race.

Can someone explain "self-defense" to me? How is it self-defense if you stalk/approach/possibly start a fight with someone and then when you're losing decide to kill them? How is that lawful? Why didn't Trayvon Martin have the right to stand his ground when he felt threatened?

Serving on this jury has been a highly emotional and physically draining experience for all of us.

You have got to be fraggle-rocking kidding me!!!!!!!!!! Do these idiots really not realise that most of us women are in the workforce and don't spend all of our time in the kitchen/home?

I have thought even since i was a teenager working at my first shit jobs, that every single human should work a shit job in their lifetime, even temporarily and I guarantee that no matter how rich I ever was, I'd make my kids flip burgers or do whatever unskilled, minimum-wage job they could find. If nothing else, it

Me, too! I fucking love that I have a master's degree and work retail! That was totes my goal for being in school that long!!!!!!!

Astonishing, isn't it? I spent most of my interview for my "serious" job (future corporate lawyer) talking about the skills I learnt in my four years working for my college bar during university. Why anyone thinks that they deserve a good job despite having no evident work ethic is beyond me.

That caught my eye as well. I've never heard anyone use that phrase in a non-gendered manner, so while I doubt he'd admit it I'd guess that he is depending on people (read: men, the only audience he apparently thinks about) to interpret it that way.

Why does he always look like he's trying to kill Batman?

Could she maybe be dismissing his claim because study after study have shown that in the classroom, teachers are biased towards boys—they call on them more often, take their questions and answers more seriously, praise their work more readily, and punish them for acting out less often? Could it be because boys

David Brooks would immediately get beat up if he ever tried to Cowboy.

But men are so bad at expressiveness, just look at Shakespeare, Faulkner, Poe, King, ...

David Brooks is to Paragon of Masculinity


Newt Gingrich is to Relationship Counselor.

"Men are the only people who don't want to be humiliated."