
I don't think this needs to turn into an us vs. them of single women vs. married/mothering women. The point it that it's bullshit to assume that women without kids have no other important obligations. And it's bullshit to assume that a mother would be unwilling to put in extra hours for a project/promotion/something

Those that care the most get to do the work. Expecting someone else to assign the same value of importance to our own idiosyncrasies is unrealistic. If someone else does not see the need to do something, they will never put the time, energy, or effort into that task to satisfy the person that does care. The person


I was a teen girl, fairly recently. I never condoned anyone punching their grandmother and sending her to the hospital.

As a bisexual feminist I sometimes struggle with the appropriate response to visual stimuli of this sort, but for now I'm gonna go with "YOWZA!!!"

OH I almost forgot about them!!! Ergh. Gaze upon Mr. Diggs and cleanse thy mind.

Taye Diggs and Steve Carell make me want to rip off those glasses and do unspeakable things. In a library.

I've said it before, and I'll keep saying it again and again: all men in pink! All the time!

Sorry, I don't let him off the hook that easy. He got everything he wanted— he had sex with Peggy and got it out of his system, and now he gets to go back to his family and start a new life. He's been stringing her along for months too— alternately flirting with her, blaming her for his attraction to her, and

Ted Chaough = Ashley Wilkes.

dude. is this why no one ever wants to date me?

I think my problem with her is that she has a limited set of positive motives as well. I mean, I don't really have a picture of what Megan would do if she had a Saturday to herself with no work and no other major characters around. Don would get drunk and chase tail. Roger probably would too. I could come up with lots

I think it's cause the actress is shitty honestly. I think she is sleeping with her agent or something though, so you might get your wish!

"Never thought of this possibility before" is a good summation of the main problem with the discipline. It's like they start from the idea that "making babies" is the single determinant in the whole wide spectrum of human behaviour and then try to prove it with sloppy studies.

I don't hate cats either, but I do hate the feel of their tongues! SO SCRATCHY!

I'm glad someone has finally made a romantic comedy about four white thirty-somethings who are just tryin' to figure it all out, one mistake at a time.

We have the technology to solve those problems! :)

I think the existence of the South lets the rest of the country pat itself on the back about how forward and non-racist it is. I had a good African-American friend who grew up in the South and moved to Chicago as an adult, and she said she'd take Southern racism over the Midwestern brand any day of the week;

Agreed. My experience as a northerner is that we've all got the racism going about pretty rampantly here, so I'm not sure why everyone thinks it's just percolating in the South.