
So can some girls! Not that I've ever come close to climaxing while going down on a lady or anything, of course...

"I don't need to give my woman oral sex! I just neg her!"

I'm in evolutionary neuroscience and genetics. I have friends in evolutionary psychology. These are people who have tried to argue to me that RAPE IS AN ADAPTATION. Um, no. In addition to that, they tend to oversimplify and categorize human behavior as identical to that of animals. This boggles my mind, particularly

i mean, humans have sex for pleasure. this is not in dispute. it's never been just because omg must get pregnant! they seem to be ignoring some very obvious facts of life. why would anyone want an orgasm? SO MYSTERIOUS. the more i think about this using, you know, logic and being a human, the stupider this gets.

That's what makes PUAs so stupid...they think that a woman would "justify" what she's "done" because no woman wants to get laid like they do? Pretty sure we all have sexual desires, folks. I don't think I've ever met a woman (except maybe grandma or something) who wouldn't agree with the statement "Sex does not equal

I think the problem with lines is, however, that no matter how funny or creative they are they still sound like lines.

I once got negged with "That guy [points to a guy he does not know is my friend] dared me to walk up to the prettiest girl at the party and ask for her number. Could you point her out?"

my brother's favorite pick up line is ... "so I'm not supposed to be talking about it, top secret confidential information and all... but you seem like the type I can trust... the company I work for {fill in fake company name here} is currently working on a time machine. No really, a time machine, the science is

I want it to be Melissa McCarthy.

But wouldn't it make you sad if all the sexy ladies of the world always insisted on wearing swimming mu-mus? This is what it's like to go to the beach and just see hot dudes in super baggy shorts. I respect people to wear whatever they want and wouldn't harass any specific person, but damn, it would be nice to see

Regardless of physique, I don't really want to see anyone in a speedo. Men's swimsuits do not have to be covering their knees, that trend's time has gone. But we sure should go back to celebrating a good man thigh.

As someone who has spent 13 years in the company of be-Speedoed men, I would like to put forth an alternative to the traditional weenie-strangler.

You know, I wouldn't have guessed this based on the backlash I got for compensating my female employees with gift baskets full of marshmallow fluff and Jolly Ranchers. They're all like, "Jobs are for making money for the FUTURE!"

But, but...they cast a black as Nick Fury, so, uh, you're being reverse racist and PC, and something to do with the First Amendment.

Ah yes. Because even at the moment of tragic death, women are really just there to look beautiful and sell shit.

I'm actually glad that Jez posted the pictures because otherwise I would have just gone to VICE to see what they were. I don't want to give VICE the page clicks for this disgusting photo shoot.

I hear you sister, especially when I'm three inches shorter, but I feel I'm like a bulldog sometimes.

Ha! Genetic fluke Italian redhead here. I absolutely understand this problem.

I cringe looking back on it, but in my younger, dumber, and significantly drunker days, I had more than my fair share of public fights with boyfriends. Because I have some kind of weird physiological inability to yell (whenever I am angry and attempt to raise my voice, it instantly turns into crying) I'm sure it must

I think in most cases it's better to assume no one has reported anything. Once, a girl almost drowned at a lake I was visiting with my brother; the lifeguard shouted for someone to call 911, and for several moments everyone just kind of looked around... but then one person said they would, and then 2-3 more popped up