The police are now investigating him.
The police are now investigating him.
This looks like just another yuppy upper middle class white ladies with no foreseeable problems having a problem with something that's never a problem with anybody. And it looks boring. This is what happens when you take the stalker/rapist/abusive husband/etc. out of a lifetime movie. Just a lady who is so wimpy and…
I realized after the fact that it was risky, and believe me I am not a brave person at all, it was totally reactive. The girl just looked so terrified and i was afraid he was going to strike her, it was pure adrenaline kicking in. She was young and obviously afraid of this jerk, I wanted to drive her to the police…
Yeah, the equivalent of a "porn mag" for me would just be page after page of Cillian Murphy staring directly into the camera... I wouldn't mind nudity, but it's not essential.
I understand it can get worse when they're home but STILL it's not acceptable to stand still and do nothing. Many women submit to abusive partners because they don't believe in support from society. Intervening is supporting - even if it's just calling the authorities.
That's what I'm wondering... if this happened in a restaurant, wouldn't a waiter have seen or heard something? Or the host/hostess? Or a BARTENDER OR SOMEBODY? Wouldn't somebody be like, "Hey skeezenuts, take your hands of this woman's throat and kindly step outside FOREVER?" or other patrons? OR SOMEBODY? Or the…
Don't know, but the only reason I tolerate "pussy" is because the part of my brain that is still in middle school still thinks it's funny to say there are three pussys in bed: me and the two cats. Then later a cat jumps back up on the bed at inconvenient times and it's like, "Excuse me, but you're the wrong pussy." …
Well, the guy wasn't a tool, just an old dude. When Mr. maladysalady went to get insurance, the insurance guy insured my hubby for $100k more than me. Whe I asked why, he stammered and said, well, he's the man. When I politely pointed out that while my husband and i were in the same professions (therefore, likely…
Tweet from @feministkanye is the best: @feministtswift YO IMMA LET YOU FINISH CUZ AS A MAN I NEED TO STEP BACK AND LET YOU BE HEARD
You're NOT a Person of Color, so how about not assuming how we feel about an issue that affects us. One doesn't need to do anything special just because a work of fiction might call for a POC. As long as the writing is good, there's no reason to feel insulted. Considering the amount of that Donald Glover got at the…
Hey, thanks for protecting us POC from being insulted by giving us alternate versions of iconic characters that look like us!
I would like some of these "myriad" examples, please. Are any of them headliners? Are any of them about to have a movie made about them? If not then no, it really doesn't matter because they're still being marginalized. Nice try though.
But what of the lesbians, yo? Many of those young whipper-scissor-snappers enjoy a trimmed bush just as much as a man does (perhaps even more as there is a higher likelihood of them going down).
I agree that must be very annoying! My little sister has the same problem and it causes her much anxiety.
Okay, to be fair, you spend the majority of your time on either Gawker or Gizmodo. Which still means you have no clue as to what the vibe is on Jez, or which celebrities are given positive reviews and which not (hint: it's usually based on clothes, not bodies). Either way, the question has its own implication as to…
Groupthink. Reliance on cliches in storytelling. The fact that gaming companies tend to be staffed by men, who may not catch the gender issues in those cliches, even if they mean well. The fact that Skyrim is in a particular genre - the RPG - where creating your own character is an established practice, and that games…
I feel the same way about Peter O'Toole in The Lion in Winter.
I strongly disagree. Suffrage wasn't gained b/c the suffragettes were extra nice to everyone. Jim Crow wasn't overturned b/c W.E.B. Du Bois baked cookies for the Mississippi legislature (and Booker T is still seen as kind of milquetoast by many, even to this day). The Equal Pay Act wasn't passed b/c of its…
How about this: