
They always are it seems. That's what gets me. Whenever someone says "You're the smartest girl I've met." I usually say "Then you need to get out more." What the hell.

Ugh. I've had numerous people tell me that I should write about fashion and beauty just because I like to wear fun outfits and I "look" like I'd write about that instead of, I don't know, politics or business. Screw that bullshit.

We don't really know what's going on with her pubes, thank god, but I don't think blonde hair is sexualizing in itself. I get some of what you're saying. She's all about prudery, joking that she needs to keep her legs closed so she doesn't get pregnant again, like she doesn't use BC or have sex other than for

And then it's like, is that supposed to be a compliment? A backhanded one perhaps. You're pretty, but you don't look smart!

Private Practice kind of ruined Taye Diggs for me in some ways. They made him such a wishy washy jerk, which reminded me of my ex, and now I associate him with angry instead of sexy feelings. Whhhyyy.

Yes, and luckily a few years have taught me that the "smart" guys are not always so smart or necessarily enlightened in many ways. I had this exact approximation of intellectual negging when a guy approached me in a bar, said I looked smart, but then proceeded to ask me if I knew where certain countries were on the

hahaha noo, it happened it Brooklyn.

This reminds me of a truly horrible scene where a man and woman were having (I assume morning after a night of sexual hijinks) breakfast and this very hipster bearded man was playing this game with her on where she'd want to travel back in time and who was the most important person of the 20th century. I don't

I definitely get what you're saying. And on a different angle of it, I find that if I call a white male friend of mine "racist" or "homophobic" or something that he said is, he will get very offended and defend himself, but if I call him a "sexist" he laughs it off. Sure, a few men will own their bigotry, whatever it

But she's primarily known as a racer. I'm not super upset about it, about there's nothing that prevents respecting her as a racer and saying she has a nice body at the same time. I can say so and so is a good actor and hot as hell at once, there's no cognitive dissonance there.

Yes, I noticed the gulf between rich, middle class and poor kids when we did these projects and it sucks. Luckily, my dad is an artist and just has this stuff and likes doing it, so I was lucky. But a lot of kids were screwed.

Ugh, the iPhone thing...what the hell? I have to admit they asked a lot of us in school and I graduated in 2006 so it wasn't eons ago. I remember bringing in greek food (for me it was baklava) and a huge greek illustration that took me a week to do, though I confess I went overboard because artsy kids love that stuff.

Wow, that is really crappy. It reminds me how I was always reminded by teachers how lucky I was to have such a good mom, assuming she was always the one helping me with school projects and homework. It's really crappy. And I think male teachers get treated as less nurturing with children as well as a result of these

I don't know what you mean by a zero sum game. Most feminists seem to advocate for both men and women to have family life and achievements at work. Just because you care about achievements at work or take pride in what you do doesn't mean you don't love your kids or are some greedy "material wealth" obsessive. A lot


Am I the only one who thinks a lot of school projects teachers give kids are kind of unfair because they assume both parents have time for well...dirt cups and other such nonsense? I know my parents, both working, went out of their way to help me build that medieval cathedral model or helped me put together dioramas

ahahahaha nice. I know it's technically 90s but whenever I think of high powered businesswomen I think of Angelica's mother from Rugrats. High ponytail, pointy shouldered grey suit.

Why in the world you be an 80s business woman when you can be Joan Jett? I totally agree on that front. The shoulder pads are great and all though. Thank you for an early Halloween costume idea!

Scroll down, I responded to someone else who asked the same question. I don't think it's about helping white women. Sadly, white women are in control of a movement that has a good deal of money fro fundraising in its coffers, and the answer may be for women of color to keep developing organizations that can get out

I gotcha now.