
She's like 21 or 22 right? I'll give her a break, this is what people do at this age: Stupid stuff.

haha yeah the world is changing in regards to what butts we find attractive. My mom, who is quite waspy and grew up in the late 60s told me my butt looked big in something and I smiled and said "Ooooh really?!" and she said, "What, that's a good thing?" But I never understood the butt obsession big, small, flat or

I'm not trying to be objectifying, I swear, but you are blessed. I have a small waist and wider hips so I consider myself lucky in that way, but my butt is more like wide and kind of round but not like a perfect firm C or something. Though it may be difficult to find pants as everyone makes jeans for flat assed

lmao at "hey pussycat." I'm sure someone says it now and then, but I picture a 60 year old man, maybe a stereotype of an Italian in a windbreaker.

Uh, for girls like me this is a whole new level of unrealistic body standards! Who has a bubble butt that delicious? I don't think the average woman is that lucky regarding just how far out it goes and how high up it is but I guess it's jealousy speaking.

Yes, I was quite happy when the newer models came out as I was still a child at the time but it is worth saying that in the picture, the upper body is a little more skinny, though certainly more human looking.

Yes, I totally endorse this because I live in an area where it is abundantly clear that cheap good food is not available. There are carts to encourage health eating and there are farmers markets occasionally as part of an overall effort but it feels condescending because it's not any less expensive. I wish I had a

I think part of the real maple syrup obsession on my part has to do with coming from a place that celebrates maple syrup in about seven different ways on a regular basis, but it breaks my heart when diners don't have it. Then I have to be "the bitch" and ask if it's real, and they don't understand what I mean until I

Oh yes, equally devious for sure, but I prefer the taste of real maple syrup. I'm no health food junkie. I meant that I wondered if there were any mixes (I'm lazy) that would be corn syrup free, and I'm sure there are.

Well thank goodness for Mrs. Butterworth's honesty. I understand people like what they like but it does sort of absolutely horrify me when people don't know that there is fake maple syrup and actual maple syrup and that there is a difference. But I will not stand for no syrup of any kind...

About corn syrup though—can't you have your pancakeys without that? I mean there must be some batter out there that doesn't have it..and REAL maple syrup, while it still will not be good for you in any way, doesn't have it. Ya'll city slickers always try to serve me corn syrup with pancakes whenever I'm in town. STOP

I wish someone in the press that covers this election on the regular would ask him that question. "Hey, so uh, some people ask why you responded to a female supporter of yours with a picture of your junk instead of a heartfelt "Thanks, I appreciate your support." What would you say to female voters who may find that a

I really enjoyed responding to a guy who said "You dropped your smile!" to me because I was stepping off the train and had the chance to get away from him after I yelled "I had a really bad day!" The truth is my day was just fine before he said anything to me, but I wanted him to feel bad, what can I say.

Yes, me too! And then when I am being sarcastic no one knows because my delivery is so dry.

So you expect all women in America to stop dying their hair if some women want to see less blond white women in the media? Very reasonable, sir.

Oh I agree, they definitely have, I just find it boring and said so. Heart shaped face big eyes tiny nose thin lips. All basically the same. There was a teensy, just a little, more variety in the animated princesses, but not by much. Their faces were mostly heart shaped too and they had big eyes. Pocahontas was

How could she look any more like Rapunzel? Except her eyes are green. She also looks a little like Merida in the face and Jesse from Toy Story...noticing a theme.

It's a fascinating thing, how accents work. I believe there's a great map that allows you to click on states and cities and hear the difference in accents.

I think Obama is more of the odd person out in this than Hillary is. Now I don't know which McCain you're talking about, but 2008 McCain, despite playing up his maverickyness was very calculating, or so it seemed to me. He made bad calculations but they seemed to be moves he considered advantageous at the time. I

I didn't mean to suggest Southern language was a devolution of any kind. I prefer the Southern accent, or its many types, to some Northeastern and Midwest accents any day. I simply was referring to how people, the press in particular, criticize the president for "dropping his g's" when he was campaigning in the South.